You can either select a package from the list or use search bar located on the upper right corner of the screen.
Once required package is found, press '+' button to install.
Additionally, if the device does not have internet connectivity, package files for specific device firmware version could be downloaded on our wiki from here and uploaded offline by navigating to Services → Package Manager → Upload
If a package is unavailable in package manager or installation through command line interface is required - opkg command can be used.
Before using opkg, source list must be updated using the following command: opkg update
To list all available packages use the following command: opkg list
To install a package use the following syntax: opkg install <PACKAGE_NAME>
For example to install DNP3 package: opkg install dnp3
You can find the newly installed Teltonika Networks devices packages configuration section in the device WebUI at Services → <PACKAGE_NAME>.
Note: Since the RutOS operating system is based on Linux OpenWRT, it is possible to install additional packages from OpenWRT using OPKG. However, please note that some of those packages might not have WebUI support and might not work as intended.